Nord Naphtha Limited

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Nord Naphtha Limited is a private-owned company which has been created in 2015 and conducts its activities in international market of oil and oil products mostly in Europe, Central Asia and the Mediterranean region.
The products the company trades are: naphtha, gasoline, gasoil (diesel fuel), fuel oil, petroleum coke, oil, VGO, LPG, sulphur etc.
Company main office located in Limassol (Cyprus) staffed by experts with long-standing wide practical experience in the field of commodities trade and finance.
Our suppliers include oil-producing and refining enterprises and we maintain business relationships with major international oil and trading companies.

Contact details:
Tel: +35725247755
Address: 1st floor, Office 2, UAD Court, 135 Omonoias Avenue, 3045 Limassol, Cyprus
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